Monday, July 7, 2014


Deep in slumberland
I dreamt of a place
where women lived
some with children
some without
helping each other
sharing the ups and the downs
and  the nitty gritty of a journey called life.

Men were occasional visitors
sometimes  friends.
They spent time with other men
Drinking or playing  big-boy games.
They looked happy as well .

I woke up and looked around.
Saw women trying to
make “marriages” work
trying to share homely cares and chores
joys and sorrows, fantasies
with creatures called husbands
who wanted to be mothered
and then  complaining about being smothered
went off sulking
either  to their watering holes
or to comfort women
who never spoke.

Both the men and women
looked miserable,
the women,
 exhausted as well.
I  decided to go back to sleep.

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