Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Living on the edge

The precipice is where I live
with excitement, fear
my faithful  friends
and constant companions.

Have wandered away
From  the familiar road
Doing strange things
that nice middle- class girls  don’t
or, maybe won’t…?
Start  an organisation
to  work with  the forgotten
fuelled by passion,
driven by  conviction
disdaining  profit
and” proper” ambition.

Looking  at  the world
down  side-Up
is now  my chosen   cup.
I  mourn  and  fret
over the  very  same   news,
that   my  neighbours find
inane, or just  amusing.
I simply can’t  connect
with  their views
about   muslims,  slumdwellers,
dalits or transgenders.
I scream in jubilation
when  a court judgement
finally renders justice
to people on the margins,
I feel a  need to celebrate-
even if its ten years too late.

My  achievements are many
though probably  strange
here   are  some..
tell me, am I  deranged?
Inviting   poverty
Into an up- market  home
permanent insecurity
and  feeling  alone
a zero bank balance
reducing my  “needs”
these  anomalies
became my creed.

Refusing  to live
with a lying husband
I took lovers rarely,
but when I pleased
and left them –
at the first  sign of unease.

Adopted a child
born out of  “wedlock”
and became  her  Mum
as well as  her  Dad.
Said to myself
that  though its  hard
single parenting-
 is  not  too bad,
anything’s  better  than 
a meaningless marriage
and a sense of  deadlock.

Ahh,  its tiring
To live on the edge
Want to try it and see?

The trick is..
Never dwell on the abyss  beneath
Ignore the safe and beaten  path
It  will lead you “astray”
your dreams you  will  betray.

Look up with your entire being
Defy gravity
And let the precipice
Give you life’s meaning.

I think  I like it  here. 

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